Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Random Beginning? Eh?

Let me start by saying that I have absolutely no idea how to start this blog. I'm not a creative person. I suck at drawing and I suck at making stories, and I hate writing essays and having to think of a hook.

So, screw it! I'm just going to start writing.

I'm creating this blog because I'm bored as hell in my house and I heard that blogging can be quite fun. I'm not sure if anyone will read this blog, or if anyone will care about me and my life (which is quite interesting in my opinion), but if you are reading this, I thank you for being the one more viewer!

To start a little bit about myself, I guess? I'm 19 years old, male, going to a local community college. I'm chasing after a RN certificate so that I can get my butt in gear and start working. School has never been too difficult for me, and I think I would be really good at a university. But, because I'm such an underachiever, I'm going to work first and get money before I decide on any university.

Will universities accept a 24 year old who wants to be a Doctor?

I honestly don't want to be a nurse. I'm just doing this because it's a job that fits me (I'm quite the caregiver if I do say so myself), it's a relatively cheap program to pursue, and it's in the hospital, which I like. So hey, why not, right?

Well I'm gonna take a break. More about me later on. I know this kind of writing format seems a bit crude, but my goal is to have this blog be a stressless hobby. That means very little editing with my grammar, and having no regrets about all the embarrassing things I say! YESH.

Have fun

Eat your noodles.

1 comment:

  1. I hope someday you can make your dream come true! 24 isn't too late(there are people who have started later). All the best Jay! avissado (from Triond)
    Enjoyed visiting your blog.
